1- There are five students standing in a row.
P is standing to the east of Q.
R is standing to the east of P.
S is standing to the west of Q.
T is standing at the eastern corner.
(a) R (b) P (c) Q (d) S
Ans- (b) it is the correct answer as analyzing the given situation, we can draw the diagram as
(west) S --> Q --> P --> R --> T (east)
P is standing at the middle position.
2- Consider the following relationship:
Picture :: Frame
Which of the following pairs of words exhibits same relationship?
(a)Pen :: Cap (b)Book :: Cover (c)Country :: Border (d)Body :: Cloth
Ans-(c) it is the best option as in the given relationship, the second is the outer boundary of the first.
3- If the following are arranged according to their heights (smallest to tallest), which would come first?
(a) Igloo (b) Bungalow (c) Hall (d) Mansion
Ans-(a) it is the correct option as an Igloo is a small dome-shaped house built basically from the blocks of solid snow. Rest of the types of houses are taller than an Igloo.
4- which of the following sentences is written in the right style for a sign at a petrol pump?
(a) No Smoking zone
(b) Have you blown out your cigarette?
(c) You should not smoke here.
(d) Do not dare to light up your cigarette.
Ans-(a) It is the correct answer as it is the formal warning board which is there at petrol pumps. The rests are not justifying the warning convincingly.
5- Consider the following relationship.
Book :: Page
Which one of the following possesses same relationship as cited above?
(a) Computer :: Keyboard (b) Word :: Letter
Stationary :: Pen (c)
School :: Teacher
Ans-(b) It is correct option because as book contains pages, word contains letters.
6- Read the two statements and answer the questions that follows.
Onions cost more than potatoes.
Tomatoes cost less than onions.
Which of the following is definitely true?
(a) Potatoes and tomatoes cost equal.
(b) Tomatoes are the cheapest.
(c) Onions are the costliest.
(d) Tomatoes cost less than potatoes.
Ans-(c) It if the correct answer according to the given information, this option is the inference.
7- Consider the following series of combination of letters:
AZ, CX, EV, __, IR, KP
Which combination of letters will come in the blank left?
(a) GT (b) HU (c) GS (d) HS
Ans-(a) it is correct option as in the combination, the first letter proceeds in alternative order while the succeeding letter runs alternative in reversion.
8- If a certain language RINSE is coded as SJOTF then SPORE will be coded as:
Ans-(d)it is the correct option in the code word given, each letter get advanced by one letter of alphabet.
9- If the following were organized according to lengths (smallest to longest), which would come at first?
(a) Cruiser (b) Hovercraft (c) Shikara (d) Towboat
Ans- (c) These all are different kinds of boats among which, ‘Shikara’ is the smallest one.
10- Consider the following relationship:
Smoke :: Pollution
Which one of the following possesses same relationship as cited above?
(a) Path :: Mountain (b) War :: Destruction
Teacher :: College (d) Table :: wood
Ans-(b) It is the best option as smoke leads to pollution, war leads destruction.
11- Find the odd one out from the following:
(a) Canal (b) River (c) Waterfall (d) Reservoir
Ans-(d) it is the correct option as a reservoir contains stagnant water whereas other given resources have a flowing stream of water.
12- If X is the brother of B and C and D is the mother of B and E is the father of X. which of the following sentences is certainly not true?
(a) B is the brother of C (b) X is the son of D
(c) D is wife of E (c) X is father of C
Ans-(d) in the family, E is father whose wife is D. E has three children X, B and C out of which X is son. Hence, X cannot be father of C.